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Part I. New Frameworks for Writing about Screen Media

Lisa Patti


1. Introduction

(Still) Learning to Write about Screen Media 

How to Read This Book

In Practice


2. The Big Picture: Strategies for Writing about Screen Media




Follow (up)

In Practice


3. From Screen Aesthetics to Site Design: Analyzing Form Across Screen Media

Taking Notes 

Close Readings: Case Studies

In Practice


4. Entering the Conversation: How and Where to Develop a Critical Argument

What is an Argument?

Thinking on the Page: Free Writing

Structuring Your Argument: Outlines

Setting the Scene: Introductions

Telling a Story: Evidence

Making a Last(ing) Impression: Conclusions 

In Practice


5. From Notebook to Network: When and How to Use Digital Tools

Digital Resources: Reading, Watching, Writing

In Praise of Paper


Fair Use

In Practice 


Part II. Writers on Writing about Screen Media



6. Writing about Transnational Cinema: Crazy Rich Asians

Olivia Khoo 


7. Capturing Moments: Writing about Film Festivals as Events

Kirsten Stevens 


8. Writing about Experimental Cinema: Andy Warhol’s Empire (1964)

Glyn Davis 


9. From Meaning to Effect: Writing about Archival Footage

Jaimie Baron 


10. Making the Absent Present: Writing about Nonextant Media

Allyson Nadia Field 


11. Expressing Race in Brazilian Telenovelas

Jasmine Mitchell 


12. Writing about Music Video: Tracing the Ephemeral

Carol Vernallis 


13. Writing Across Divides: Locating Power in K-pop Music Videos

S. Heijin Lee 


14. Playing to Write: Analyzing Video Games

TreaAndrea M. Russworm and Jennifer Malkowski


15. When It All Clicks: Writing about Participatory Media

Lauren S. Berliner 


16. Feeling Out Social Media

Julie Wilson and Emily Chivers Yochim 


17. "A Very Black Project": A Method for Digital Visual Culture

Lauren McLeod Cramer 


18. Writing about Transnational Media: From Representation to Materiality

Fan Yang 


19. Writing about Digital and Interactive Media

Dale Hudson and Patricia R. Zimmermann 


20. (Un)Limited Mobilities

Rahul Mukherjee 


21. Context is Key: How (and Why) You Should Write about Outdoor Advertising

Beth Corzo-Duchardt 



22. How Sound Helps Tell a Story: Sound, Music, and Narrative in Vishal Bhardwaj’s Omkara

Nilanjana Bhattacharjya 


23. Writing Outside the Text: A Cultural Approach to Exhibition and Moviegoing 

Jasmine Nadua Trice 


24. Writing about Streaming Portals: The Drama of Distribution

Ramon Lobato 


25. Analyzing and Writing about Credit Sequences

Monika Mehta 


26. "We Are Not Thinking Frogs": The Archive, the Artifact, and the Task of the Film Historian

Katherine Groo 


27. Show Me the Data!: Uncovering the Evidence in Screen Media Industry Research

Bronwyn Coate and Deb Verhoeven 


28. Researching and Writing Across Media Industries

Derek Johnson 


29. The Value of Surprise: Ethnography of Media Industries

Tejaswini Ganti 


30. Listen Up!: Interviewing as Method

Alicia Kozma 


31. The Need for Translation: Difference, Footnotes, Hyperlinks

Tijana Mamula 



32. Words and More: Strategies for Writing about and with Media

Virginia Kuhn 


33. Best Practices for Screen Media Podcasting 

Christine Becker and Kyle Wrather 


34. Confessions of an Academic Blogger

Henry Jenkins 


35. The Research and the Remix: Video Essays as Creative Criticism

Jeffrey Middents 


36. Foregrounding the Invisible: Notes on the Video Essay Review

Chiara Grizzaffi 


37. Review, Edit, Repeat: Writing and Editing Book Reviews

Alice Leppert 


38. Extracurricular Scholarship: "Writing" My Audio Commentary of Losing Ground

Terri Francis 


39. The Short, Sweet Art of Blurb Writing

Leah Shafer 


40. Bridging the Gaps Between Scholarly Essays and Mass-Market Film Writing

Nick Davis


41. Writing Across the Page Without a Line

Holly Willis



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